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Letra de Be a boy

Letra de la canción Be a boy interpreteda por Robbie Williams

Be a boy

Letra de la canción Be a boy interpretada por Robbie Williams. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Take the crown
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Interprete: Robbie Williams
Disco: Take the crown

Letra de la canción:

When you’re young you hope to be

Menacing in vanity

6 feet tall, maybe more

Bigger now than before

They said it was leaving me

The magic was leaving me

I don’t think so

I don’t think so

They said it was leaving

They said it went on

Now I could make this last forever

And be a boy, and be a boy

When you’re young you hope to see

And carve your name into the street

Bout your words of satellites

That keep the wasted up tonight

They said it was leaving me

The magic was leaving me

I don’t think so

I don’t think so

They said it was leaving

They said it went on

Now I could make this last forever

And be a boy, and be a boy

There’s safety in the jungle

If you treat it like a toy

Make sure you talk to strangers

And be a boy, and be a boy

Be a boy

They said it was leaving me

The magic was leaving me

I don’t think so

I don’t think so

All of the boys are gonna be someone

The time you caught but it was gone

The time you caught but it was gone

It takes a big man to be someone

All of the boys are gonna be someone

The time you caught but it was gone

The time you caught but it was gone

It takes a big man to be someone

I’m half your age and lived twice your life

And hide on streets, you walk tonight

The time you caught but it’s not mine

It takes a big man to be someone

I’m half your age and lived twice your life

And I don’t sleep alone tonight

The time you caught but it’s not mine

It takes a big man to be someone

La canción Be a boy esta incluida en el disco Take the crown de Robbie Williams. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Be a boy esta en el disco Take the crown de Robbie Williams.
Si que conocer más de Robbie Williams podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Robbie Williams, o su discografía.
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