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Letra de Makeout Party

Letra de la canción Makeout Party interpreteda por Green Day

Makeout Party

Letra de la canción Makeout Party interpretada por Green Day. Este tema esta incluído en el disco ¡Dos!
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Interprete: Green Day
Disco: ¡Dos!

Letra de la canción:

Hey, you got yourself a pretty little blouse

I think I wanna rub it the wrong way

Do you wanna spin a bottle, play a game of chicken?

Well, it's a tongue twister till your lips are bleeding

Oh, anyhow, anywhere

Kiss me there, oh kiss me there

Oh, scream and shout, truth or dare

Kiss me there, oh kiss me there

Oh, you're so precious, you're a fucking delinquent

Well I got myself jonesin' and I need some fixin'

It's a makeout party on another dimension

And it's gonna get crowded with some bad intensions

Oh, anyhow, anywhere

Kiss me there, oh kiss me there

Oh, scream and shout, truth or dare

Kiss me there, oh kiss me there

Oh, you're so precious, you're a fucking delinquent

Well I got myself jonesin' and I need some fixin'

It's a makeout party on another dimension

And it's gonna get crowded with some bad intensions

Oh, anyhow, anywhere

Kiss me there, oh kiss me there

Oh, scream and shout, truth or dare

Kiss me there, oh kiss me there

Oh kiss me there

Kiss me there

La canción Makeout Party esta incluida en el disco ¡Dos! de Green Day. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Makeout Party esta en el disco ¡Dos! de Green Day.
Si que conocer más de Green Day podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Green Day, o su discografía.
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