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Letra de Little Boy Named Train

Letra de la canción Little Boy Named Train interpreteda por Green Day

Little Boy Named Train

Letra de la canción Little Boy Named Train interpretada por Green Day. Este tema esta incluído en el disco ¡Tré!
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Interprete: Green Day
Disco: ¡Tré!

Letra de la canción:

Where did you come from?

Where have you been?

Looks like you fell into the trash bin

I'm catching train, I'm crashing a car

Back in for daylight shooting for the stars

Like a lifelong daisy chain

Of my imagination

A rat inside a maze

I got no destination

Cause I'm a little boy named Train

Ask me again, I'll tell you the same

Little boy named Train

Don't know where I come from

But I know where I have been

Serious people are funny to me

Funny people seem so serious

I'm always lost and nothing will change

Give me directions and I'll get lost again

Like a lifelong daisy chain

Of my imagination

A rat inside a maze

I got no destination

Cause I'm a little boy named Train

Ask me again, I'll tell you the same

Little boy named Train

Don't know where I come from

But I know where I have been

Like a lifelong daisy chain

Of my imagination

A rat inside a maze

I got no destination

Cause I'm a little boy named Train

Ask me again, I'll tell you the same

Little boy named Train

I don't know where I come from

But I know where I have been

I said I don't know where I come from

But I know where I have been

La canción Little Boy Named Train esta incluida en el disco ¡Tré! de Green Day. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Little Boy Named Train esta en el disco ¡Tré! de Green Day.
Si que conocer más de Green Day podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Green Day, o su discografía.
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