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Letra de Dirty Rotten Bastards

Letra de la canción Dirty Rotten Bastards interpreteda por Green Day

Dirty Rotten Bastards

Letra de la canción Dirty Rotten Bastards interpretada por Green Day. Este tema esta incluído en el disco ¡Tré!
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Interprete: Green Day
Disco: ¡Tré!

Letra de la canción:

Calling all demons, this is the season

Next stop is therapy

We're the retarded and the broken hearted

The season of misery

Here's to the wasted, I can almost taste it

The rejects, the wastes of times

You'll take it further, get away with murder

And no one is getting out alive

Here's to all God's losers ra da da di

A bottom feeders frenzy

Here's to all bloodsuckers sing along with me

Cause we don't say no scream

One, two, three



We're too old till we misbehave

We sold our souls and somehow shamed ourselves

So we wait for this judgment day

Write me a letter and send it to my graveyard

All fucked beyond intervention

Fuck the world this is my revolution

We're all lost souls and living in cages

"I'm all but better" is one for the ages

I've got the urge

To bitch and surge

The tables turn

To crash and burn

Julianna homicide

Make my demons come to life

Well Julianna homicide

I want you to be my blushing bride

I'm drawing a line in my best friends ashes

Dust to dust when the red light flashes

What the fuck does OK stand for

When the afterlife is only worth dieing for

I've got the urge

To bitch and surge

The tables turn

To crash and burn

Julianna homicide

Make my demons come to life

Well Julianna homicide

I want you to be my blushing bride


Well California's burning to the ground

And Julianna walks on holy ground

Where there's smoke there's fire burning at the light

Cause California's burning down tonight


Calling all demons, this is the season

Next stop is therapy

We're the retarded and the broken hearted

The season of misery

Here's to the wasted, I can almost taste it

The rejects, the wastes of times

Gonna take it further, get away with murder

And no one is getting out alive

Here's to all God's losers ra da da di

The bottom feeders frenzy

Here's to all bloodsuckers sing along with me

Cause we don't say no

Scream one, two, three

We're carried away

Carried away

Carried away

Carried away

Carried away

Carried away

Carried away

Carried away

Carried away

La canción Dirty Rotten Bastards esta incluida en el disco ¡Tré! de Green Day. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Dirty Rotten Bastards esta en el disco ¡Tré! de Green Day.
Si que conocer más de Green Day podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Green Day, o su discografía.
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