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Letra de The Forgotten

Letra de la canción The Forgotten interpreteda por Green Day

The Forgotten

Letra de la canción The Forgotten interpretada por Green Day. Este tema esta incluído en el disco ¡Tré!
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Interprete: Green Day
Disco: ¡Tré!

Letra de la canción:

Where in the world’s the forgotten?

They’re lost inside your memory

You’re dragging on, your heart’s been broken

As we all go down in history

Where in the world did the time go?

It’s where your spirit seems to roam

Like losing faith to our abandon

Or an empty hallway from a broken home

Well don’t look away from the arms of a bad dream

Don’t look away, sometimes you’re better lost than to be seen

I don’t feel strange, it’s more like haunted

Another moment trapped in time

I can’t quite put my finger on it

But it’s like a child that was left behind

So where in the world’s the forgotten?

Like soldiers from a long lost war

We share the scars from our abandon

And what we remember becomes folklore

Well, don’t look away from the arms of a bad dream

Don’t look away, sometimes you’re better lost than to be seen

Don’t look away from the arms of a moment

Don’t look away from the arms of tomorrow

Don’t look away from the arms of a moment

Don’t look away from the arms of love

La canción The Forgotten esta incluida en el disco ¡Tré! de Green Day. Información y letras del disco.
La canción The Forgotten esta en el disco ¡Tré! de Green Day.
Si que conocer más de Green Day podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Green Day, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre The Forgotten
Comentario de Ariana Alejo (25/04/2013 19:28)
La canción es lo máximo!!!me encanta escucharlo y aparte forma parte de la saga favorita de amanecer!!! increíble canción the forgotten!!!se los recomiendo!!:)