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Letra de Loveless Hearts

Letra de la canción Loveless Hearts interpreteda por Dido

Loveless Hearts

Letra de la canción Loveless Hearts interpretada por Dido. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Girl who got away
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Interprete: Dido
Disco: Girl who got away

Letra de la canción:

I can find the good news in anything

But without you, that's all gone

No one could have told me how much I'd miss you

And how soon the world moves on

How can they not hear me

When I say

Oh, we're not safe anymore

Did loveless hearts build the world

Only to tear it apart

How did those gods tempt you to leave

Just when we needed you most

The sun will rise today as it did yesterday

And I'll keep on going too

But every hour that I get through it breaks my heart

That I am losing more of you

Did loveless hearts build the world

Only to tear it apart

How did those gods tempt you to leave

Just when we needed you most


La canción Loveless Hearts esta incluida en el disco Girl who got away de Dido. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Loveless Hearts esta en el disco Girl who got away de Dido.
Si que conocer más de Dido podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Dido, o su discografía.
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