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Letra de Let's Run Away

Letra de la canción Let's Run Away interpreteda por Dido

Let's Run Away

Letra de la canción Let's Run Away interpretada por Dido. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Girl who got away
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Interprete: Dido
Disco: Girl who got away

Letra de la canción:

And before I start the day

I have a glimpse of how I used to feel

When we drove all night and laughed all day

Thinking nothing can go wrong

And now our hands are full and walking in the dark

I don't know what's below or what's above

But it doesn't matter now

Don't look back

Don't look back

Let's runaway

Then tomorrow won't be the same

Let's go away

Then today won't feel the same

Don't look up and don't look left or right

Trust me now and we'll be fine

I'll take your fear and send it out to sea

And you'll forget every little thing you've seen

And it doesn't matter now

Don't look back

Let's runaway

Then tomorrow won't be the same

Let's go away

Then today won't feel the same

Let's runaway

Then tomorrow won't be the same

Let's go away

Then today won't feel the same

Let's runaway

Then tomorrow won't feel the same

Won't feel the same

La canción Let's Run Away esta incluida en el disco Girl who got away de Dido. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Let's Run Away esta en el disco Girl who got away de Dido.
Si que conocer más de Dido podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Dido, o su discografía.
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