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Letra de How Long Has This Been Going On

Letra de la canción How Long Has This Been Going On interpreteda por Gloria Estefan

How Long Has This Been Going On

Letra de la canción How Long Has This Been Going On interpretada por Gloria Estefan. Este tema esta incluído en el disco The Standards
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Interprete: Gloria Estefan
Disco: The Standards

Letra de la canción:

I could cry salty tears

Where have I been all these years

Little wow, tell me now

How long has this been going on

There were chills up my spine

And some thrills I can´t define

Listen, sweet, I repeat!

How long has this been going on

Oh, I feel that I could melt

Into Heaven I´m hurled!

I know how Colombus felt

Finding another world

Kiss me once, then once more

What a dunce I was before

What a break For Heaven´s sake

How long has this been going on

How long has this been going on

Oh, I feel that I could melt

Into Heaven I´m hurled!

I know how Colombus felt

Finding another world

Kiss me twice, then once more

That makes thrice, let´s make it four

What a break For Heaven´s sake

How long has this been going on.

La canción How Long Has This Been Going On esta incluida en el disco The Standards de Gloria Estefan. Información y letras del disco.
La canción How Long Has This Been Going On esta en el disco The Standards de Gloria Estefan.
Si que conocer más de Gloria Estefan podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Gloria Estefan, o su discografía.
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