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Letra de Almost home

Letra de la canción Almost home interpreteda por Moby

Almost home

Letra de la canción Almost home interpretada por Moby. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Innocents
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Interprete: Moby
Disco: Innocents

Letra de la canción:

I'll decide in a moment's time to turn away;

Leave it all behind

So we climb, somewhere I will draw the line,

the ground is hard; The treasure fine

So let it go, wake up, wake up, wake up - we're almost home

So let it go, wake up, wake up, wake up - we're almost home

Time to scout, when I was a child -

I'd, I'd run at hide to be at your side

So we climb, somewhere I will draw the line,

I dream until the stars were mine

So let it go, wake up, wake up, wake up - we're almost home

So let it go, wake up, wake up, wake up - we're almost home

I'll decide in a moment's time to turn away;

Leave it all behind

So we climb, somewhere I will draw the line,

the ground is hard; The treasure fine

So let it go, wake up, wake up, wake up - we're almost home

(As stars fell from the sky)

So let it go, wake up, wake up, wake up - we're almost home

(Under, into the sea)

So let it go, wake up, wake up, wake up - we're almost home

(Still I don't know if it's right)

So let it go, wake up, wake up, wake up - we're almost home

(If this world is right for me)

La canción Almost home esta incluida en el disco Innocents de Moby. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Almost home esta en el disco Innocents de Moby.
Si que conocer más de Moby podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Moby, o su discografía.
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