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Letra de Passenger

Letra de la canción Passenger interpreteda por Britney Spears


Letra de la canción Passenger interpretada por Britney Spears. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Britney Jean
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Interprete: Britney Spears
Disco: Britney Jean

Letra de la canción:

I can't let go of control

I can't let go and not know

Don't know the way you're heading me

One day at a time is all I need

There was a time without trust

There was a time without love

But it took you to show me

I could handover the keys

I'll let you lead the way now

Cause I want you to take the wheel

I've never been a passenger though

I never knew how good it could feel

The road will twist and turn but

I know that I am in good hands

I've never been a passenger no

But we'll see more without a map

Without a map

Without a map

Without a map

So let's take a walk and get lost

Let's take a chance on finding us

I wanna see the world with you

Every step feels so brand new

It's hard to jump with no net

But I've jumped and got no regret

My co-pilot yeah that's right

Now I can just enjoy the ride

I'll let you lead the way now

Cause I want you to take the wheel

I've never been a passenger though

I never knew how good it could feel

The road will twist and turn but

I know that I am in good hands

I've never been a passenger no

But we'll see more without a map

Without a map

Without a map

Without a map

And now we're finally falling

Cause I was giving you half now I'm all in

My hands in the air while you're driving

This is living

This is living

This is living


I'll let you lead the way now

Cause I want you to take the wheel

I've never been a passenger though

I never knew how good it could feel

The road will twist and turn but

I know that I am in good hands

I've never been a passenger no

But we'll see more without a map

Without a map

Without a map

Without a map

La canción Passenger esta incluida en el disco Britney Jean de Britney Spears. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Passenger esta en el disco Britney Jean de Britney Spears.
Si que conocer más de Britney Spears podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Britney Spears, o su discografía.
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