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Letra de Only a Woman

Letra de la canción Only a Woman interpreteda por Enrique Iglesias

Only a Woman

Letra de la canción Only a Woman interpretada por Enrique Iglesias. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Sex + Love
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Interprete: Enrique Iglesias
Disco: Sex + Love

Letra de la canción:

Only a woman can take away your cold hard chill

Break your heart and make you love her still

Leave you thirsty when you've had your fill

Only a woman can sit you high up on a throne

Make you feel so damn alone

Leave you begging baby come back home

And it's only till she's gone

Could you see that you were wrong

Cause the seasons change and people come and go

But when love is fate best hold that woman close

Take the hard road back and fall down at her door

Cause that's your woman

That's all I know

Only a woman can make you fly so high you wanna touch the sun

When your wings melt and you come undone

Catches you when you fall, she's the only one

That steals your heart just like a thief

Makes you lay roses at your feet

But you know to kiss the rose, the thorns will make you bleed

And it's only till she's gone

Could you see that you were wrong

Cause the seasons change and people come and go

But when love is fate best hold that woman close

Take the hard road back and fall down at her door

Cause that's your woman

That's all I know

You thank God you found her

Ya can't live your life without her

And every little thing about her is all you need

All you need

Cause the seasons change and people come and go

But when love is fate best hold that woman close

Take the hard road back and fall down at her door

Cause that's your woman

That's all I know

La canción Only a Woman esta incluida en el disco Sex + Love de Enrique Iglesias. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Only a Woman esta en el disco Sex + Love de Enrique Iglesias.
Si que conocer más de Enrique Iglesias podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Enrique Iglesias, o su discografía.
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