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Letra de Sparks

Letra de la canción Sparks interpreteda por Kylie Minogue


Letra de la canción Sparks interpretada por Kylie Minogue. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Kiss me once
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Interprete: Kylie Minogue
Disco: Kiss me once

Letra de la canción:

Oh feels like you light me up

Feels like you light me up

When the sparks run out

Sometimes the love that you wasted

Becomes the love that you’ve lost

A moment feels like a lifetime

Cry, cry, cry you can’t stop

Just when I feel no ignition

No one but me understands

Arms reach out from a distance

Palm to palm, touching hands

Oh feels like you light me up

Feels like you light me up

When the sparks run out

Oh feels like you light me up

Feels like you light me up

When the sparks run out

You know that you are a fighter

But you feel yourself fall apart

Now you’re just panicking because you’re left defeated

And you’ve seen nothing but dark

But when my soul is in pieces

No one but me understands

Arms reach out from a distance

Palm to palm, touching hands

Oh feels like you light me up

Feels like you light me up

When the sparks run out

Oh feels like you light me up

Feels like you light me up

When the sparks run out

Cause oh feels like you light me up

Feels like you light me up

When the sparks run out

Oh feels like you light me up

Feels like you light me up

When the sparks run out

La canción Sparks esta incluida en el disco Kiss me once de Kylie Minogue. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Sparks esta en el disco Kiss me once de Kylie Minogue.
Si que conocer más de Kylie Minogue podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Kylie Minogue, o su discografía.
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