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Letra de 3 letters

Letra de la canción 3 letters interpreteda por Enrique Iglesias

3 letters

Letra de la canción 3 letters interpretada por Enrique Iglesias. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Sex + Love
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Interprete: Enrique Iglesias
Disco: Sex + Love

Letra de la canción:

I don’t care if you're taken

Long as you’re single I come around

I don’t care for love making

I wanna beat it till you walls come down

I put the key in your ignition

Turn you on

So you revved up, ready to go

Now I can tell you what I’m thinking, if you want

But you already know, already know

I got three letters on my brain

I shouldn’t have to spell it for you

I’ve for three letters on my brain

I can’t wait to put it on you

And have you like, wo-oh, make your body, explode

I got three letters on my brain

I shouldn’t have to spell it for you

I don’t care what you’re wearing

Because it all looks good on a flow

I wanna see you standing

With nothing on but the heels you own

I put the key in your ignition

And Turn you on

So you revved up, ready to go

Now I can tell you what I’m thinking, if you want

But you already know, already know

I got three letters on my brain

I shouldn’t have to spell it for you

I’ve for three letters on my brain

I can’t wait to put it on you

And have you like, wo-oh, make your body, explode

I got three letters on my brain

I shouldn’t have to spell it for you

I’m going down, going down, going down

Cause baby you’re sexy

So turn around, turn around, turn around

Cause baby you’re sexy

I got three letters on my brain

I shouldn’t have to spell it for you

I’ve for three letters on my brain

I can’t wait to put it on you

And have you like, wo-oh, make your body, explode

I got three letters on my brain

I shouldn’t have to spell it for you

I got three letters...

I got three letters...

La canción 3 letters esta incluida en el disco Sex + Love de Enrique Iglesias. Información y letras del disco.
La canción 3 letters esta en el disco Sex + Love de Enrique Iglesias.
Si que conocer más de Enrique Iglesias podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Enrique Iglesias, o su discografía.
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