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Letra de John & Elvis Are Dead

Letra de la canción John & Elvis Are Dead interpreteda por George Michael

John & Elvis Are Dead

Letra de la canción John & Elvis Are Dead interpretada por George Michael. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Symphonica
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Interprete: George Michael
Disco: Symphonica

Letra de la canción:

Close friend of mine as a child fell into a slumber

No sign of life since '75

Then one day he just, what do you know

I guess God just called his number

He called me up he called me up and said

"I've been awake about a week

I'm thinking about asking the doctor

If he could put me back to sleep"

Then he laughed and said

"Hey all the girls they look the same"

Don't they know just want their mothers

Paid in blood, and tears to change

But the words that make me cry

The thing he softly said

It stayed with me, it keeps messing with my head

He said, "If Jesus Christ is alive and well

Then how come John & Elvis are dead?"

Youth, beautiful youth

We walked through the walls until we found the truth

And said "Change it, it's ugly just change it"

Everyone we used to know

Must have given up, so long ago

You can see it, it's written on their faces

And the inside of their clothes

But the words that make me cry

'Cos I knew just what they meant

He turned to me and said

"Hey boy, if Jesus Christ is alive and well

Then how come John & Elvis are dead?"

"Tell me if Jesus Christ is alive and well

Then how come Marvin & Elvis are dead?"

I said "If Jesus Christ is going to save us from ourselves

How come peace, love and Elvis are dead?"

La canción John & Elvis Are Dead esta incluida en el disco Symphonica de George Michael. Información y letras del disco.
La canción John & Elvis Are Dead esta en el disco Symphonica de George Michael.
Si que conocer más de George Michael podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por George Michael, o su discografía.
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