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Letra de Hold On

Letra de la canción Hold On interpreteda por 50 Cent

Hold On

Letra de la canción Hold On interpretada por 50 Cent. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Animal Ambition
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Interprete: 50 Cent
Disco: Animal Ambition

Letra de la canción:

[Verse 1]

I woke up this morning, this is insane

Rich as a motherfucker, and ain't much changed

Open my eyes, no surprise, I'm with a different bitch

Different day, different ass, different tits

Strap under my pillow, I don't want the jit

I'm not supposed to do this shit, but I forget

The true principles of life are supply and demand

Guess if you never sold dope it's hard to understand

My man got knowledge of self, at my back God

Find out today's mathematics when that Mac go off

My temper volatile, grew up a violent child

Fuck a boy scout, I air your ass out

Nigga, nice chain, dice game, try your luck

Shoot a couple head cracks, leave wipe you up

I'm a fly nigga, my denim vintage

Gold medal around my neck like I won the Olympics


We came from nothing, now they saying we straight

Nigga, hold up, hold on

Hold on

These niggas, they watching every dime we make

Hold up, hold on

Hold on

[Verse 2]

We want that deluxe apartment in the sky with a clear view

Instead we get the D's in the rear view

We learn to play the game how it's supposed to be played

And so you know, you violate, you supposed to be sprayed

It's not a big deal to me, stay calm

I'll shoot the shit out of a nigga, then call it Barrel Bonds

But, if I don't do this shit myself, bet I'll get it done

Shit on my nigga, you shit on me, we of one

Used to do graffiti, now look we major

Don't make me write my name across your face with a razor

Re-Up, new joke, they say this sample the bomb

This shit can take a two and we cut this bitch with a one

Watch the fiends stand in line for the potency

No lactose involved, pure propo leaf

You can sniff that or cook that to my belief

That money coming in like we run the streets


[Verse 3]

This shit go how I said, go when it's time to expand

So say it's over your dead body and that's the plan

You a gangster for real, you ready to ride?

Nigga, you gonna die a bad case of too much pride

Check my DNA, homie I'm a different kind

Hit the speed dial, that quick I'll get ya lined

Won't won't your block, just cop your work from us

Those niggas you call allies can't be trust

That Rollie all gold, I got the Midas touch

Sometimes it's hard as hell not to touch stuff

On the phone I heard 'Ye smacked the shit outta a kid

Now Jimmy got life, gonna smack him again

When it's war, it'll be war to the very end

If they ever say we lose, I start it again

Let's sneak the niggas spray that Semi at your momma crib

With a silencer we couldn't even hear that shit


La canción Hold On esta incluida en el disco Animal Ambition de 50 Cent. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Hold On esta en el disco Animal Ambition de 50 Cent.
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