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Letra de Underdog

Letra de la canción Underdog interpreteda por Anastacia


Letra de la canción Underdog interpretada por Anastacia. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Resurrection
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Interprete: Anastacia
Disco: Resurrection

Letra de la canción:

I know how it feels to expect to get a fair shake

But they won't let you forget

You're the underdog and you got to be twice as good (yeah)

Even if you're never right

They get uptight when you got too much

You might start thinking too much, too (yeah)

I know how it feels when you know for real

That every other time (yeah)

You get a raw deal, yeah

Said I'm the underdog, yall

Do you know what I mean, yeah

Said I'm the underdog, yall

Well, I know how it feels to get demoted

When it comes the time to get promoted

Cause you might be movin' up way too fast

If you ever love somebody of a different set,

But the other set was an act you forget

well it just don't go like that, oh

I know how it feels

When people stop, turn around and stare

Say goodbye and they low rate, low rate me (yeah yeah)

Said I'm the underdog, ya'll

Do you know what I mean, yeah

I'm just the underdog, yall (a a a ahhh)

Un-der-dog, Un-der-dog,

Un-der-dog, Un-der-dog (roarrrr)

I know how it feels to be played upon

Be at the party but you're really all alone

They underestimate me

And if you hang out with people you don't even know

Simply because theres a whole lot more of them

You better think you can't

You better think you can't

I know how it feels when you're feelin' down

And you wanna come up but you're really

In the wrong part of town, yeah

Said I'm the underdog, ya'll

Do you know what I mean

Said I'm the underdog, ya'll

(yeah, yeah, yeah)

Underdog, underdog, underdog, yall

Underdog, underdog, that's me

Underdog, underdog, underdog, yall

Underdog hao hao haa (yeah)

Uhh, come on, uhh

I'm the underdog, ya'll

I'm the underdog, ya'll

I'm the underdog, underdog

I'm the freak, I'm the freak

I'm the underdog, ya'll


Underdog ohoa

I said yeah yeah yeah yeaaahh


Ho ho hoa

No no no

I'm the underdog

La canción Underdog esta incluida en el disco Resurrection de Anastacia. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Underdog esta en el disco Resurrection de Anastacia.
Si que conocer más de Anastacia podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Anastacia, o su discografía.
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