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Letra de How You Get The Girl

Letra de la canción How You Get The Girl interpreteda por Taylor Swift

How You Get The Girl

Letra de la canción How You Get The Girl interpretada por Taylor Swift. Este tema esta incluído en el disco 1989
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Interprete: Taylor Swift
Disco: 1989

Letra de la canción:

Oh Oh Oh.


Stand there like a ghost shaking from the rain (rain).

She'll open up the door and say "Are you insane ('ane)?"

Say it's been a long 6 months

And you were too afraid to tell her what you want.

And that's how it works.

That's how you get the girl.

And then you say.

I want you for worse or for better,

I would wait forever and ever,

Broke your heart, I'll put it back together.

I would wait forever and ever.

And that's how it works

It's how you get the girl, girl...


And that's how it works

It's how you get the girl, girl...

Remind her how it used to be (Yeah, yeah)

With pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks (cheeks)

Tell her how you must have lost your mind. (Uh-uh)

And you left her all alone, and never told her why (why).

And that's how it works.

That's how you lost the girl.

And now you say

I want you for worse or for better,

I would wait forever and ever (ever and ever),

Broke your heart, I'll put it back together (together).

I would wait forever and ever (ever and ever).

And that's how it works

It's how you get the girl, girl...


And that's how it works

It's how you get the girl, girl... (Yeah, yeah)

And you could know (Oh-oh Oh Oh)

That I don't want you to go oh-oh..

Remind me how it used to be.

Pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks.

And say you want me.


And then you say,

I want you for worse or for better (for worse or for better),

I would wait forever and ever,

Broke your heart, I'll put it back together.

I want you forever and ever.

And that's how it works

It's how you get the girl, girl.



That's how it works.

That's how you got the girl.

La canción How You Get The Girl esta incluida en el disco 1989 de Taylor Swift. Información y letras del disco.
La canción How You Get The Girl esta en el disco 1989 de Taylor Swift.
Si que conocer más de Taylor Swift podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Taylor Swift, o su discografía.
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