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Letra de 5 in the morning

Letra de la canción 5 in the morning interpreteda por Kevin Johansen

5 in the morning

Letra de la canción 5 in the morning interpretada por Kevin Johansen. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Mis Américas
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Interprete: Kevin Johansen
Disco: Mis Américas

Letra de la canción:

It´s five in the morning

And I got to sleep,

Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah.

And I´d love to forget you

But I´m in too deep,

Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah.

I wanna see the sun rise

Over the mountain tops,

And watch the eagle fly.

I wanna see the moon shine

Over the building tops,

And watch this world go by.

It´s five in the morning

And I got to sleep,

Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah.

And I´d love to forget you

But I´m in too deep,

Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah.

I wanna see the sun rise

Over the mountain tops,

And watch the eagle fly.

I wanna see the moon shine

Over the building tops,

And watch this world go by.

´Cause i´ts five in the morning

And I´d better sleep,

Yeah, oh, yeah.

Yeah, oh, yeah.

I wanna see a country rise

Over the differences,

Beyond this great divide.

I wanna see the sun rise

Over the mountain tops,

And watch this world go by.

La canción 5 in the morning esta incluida en el disco Mis Américas de Kevin Johansen. Información y letras del disco.
La canción 5 in the morning esta en el disco Mis Américas de Kevin Johansen.
Si que conocer más de Kevin Johansen podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Kevin Johansen, o su discografía.
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