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Letra de Reason To Stay

Letra de la canción Reason To Stay interpreteda por Good Charlotte

Reason To Stay

Letra de la canción Reason To Stay interpretada por Good Charlotte. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Youth Authority
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Interprete: Good Charlotte
Disco: Youth Authority

Letra de la canción:

[Simon Neil:]

Woke up a million miles away from who I am

Like when we stayed up every Saturday 'til 4am

But the times they change around here, don't they?

Cause some things never change, like the things you say

I keep searching for a reason to stay

And everything you do just pushes me away

I'm gon' keep on trying cause we've been here before

I'm gon' keep on trying cause I said I won't let you go again

So I'm just searching for a reason to stay right here

Woah-oh-oh-oh, woah-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

Give me a reason to stay

Woah-oh-oh-oh, woah-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

Give me a reason

Woke up a million miles away from who we were

I really thought I had it made, yeah, I was sure

But the times they change around here, don't they, babe?

I got my mind made up and I'm staying right here, babe

I keep searching for a reason to stay

And everything you do just pushes me away

I'm gon' keep on trying cause we've been here before

I'm gon' keep on trying cause I said I won't let you go again

So I'm just searching for a reason to stay right here

All of the things we said

They keep running around

Around in my head

Around in my head

Oh, all of the things we said

Keep on running around

Around in my head

Around in my head again, again, again

Now I can let go

I keep searching for a reason to stay

And everything you do just pushes me away

I'm gon' keep on trying cause we've been here before

I'm gon' keep on trying cause I said I won't let you go again

So I'm just searching for a reason to stay right here

Woah-oh-oh-oh, woah-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

Give me a reason to stay

Woah-oh-oh-oh, woah-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

Give me a reason to stay

La canción Reason To Stay esta incluida en el disco Youth Authority de Good Charlotte. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Reason To Stay esta en el disco Youth Authority de Good Charlotte.
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