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Letra de Attitude Adjustment

Letra de la canción Attitude Adjustment interpreteda por Aerosmith

Attitude Adjustment

Letra de la canción Attitude Adjustment interpretada por Aerosmith. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Nine Lives
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Interprete: Aerosmith
Disco: Nine Lives

Letra de la canción:

This girl that I knew

She loved me and blew me away

We made love no doubt

But she never went out of her way

I keep wonderin', I keep wonderin' why

Do the wings of your butterfly

Lightenin' thunder

I keep wonderin' why

Hey I think you need an attitude adjustment

Knock-down drag out

I got to make myself a latitude adjustment

With or without

I was rather naive

So I didn't believe when you said

Our love is in jail

Honey you hit the nail on the head

Well I keep wonderin', I keep wonderin' why

Do the wings of your butterfly

Lightenin' thunder

Ain’t no wonderin' why

Hey I think you need an attitude adjustment

Knock-down drag out

Don’t you ever baby, wonder where the lust went

With or without

Now I know what it is

‘Cause I know what you are

No more cryin' eyes my friend

Excusem fuckin' moi

No more wonderin'

I got news for you

Hey I think you need an attitude adjustment

Knock-down drag out

I gots to make myself a latitude adjustment

I'm headin' south

Yeah I think you need an attitude adjustment

From inside out

La canción Attitude Adjustment esta incluida en el disco Nine Lives de Aerosmith. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Attitude Adjustment esta en el disco Nine Lives de Aerosmith.
Si que conocer más de Aerosmith podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Aerosmith, o su discografía.
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