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Letra de Nobody's Fault

Letra de la canción Nobody's Fault interpreteda por Aerosmith

Nobody's Fault

Letra de la canción Nobody's Fault interpretada por Aerosmith. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Rocks
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Interprete: Aerosmith
Disco: Rocks

Letra de la canción:

Lord I must be dreamin'

what else could this be

everybody's screamin'

runnin' for the sea

holy lands are sinkin'

birds take to the sky

the prophets are all stinkin' drunk

I know the reason why

eyes are full of desire

mind is so ill at ease

everything is on fire

shit piled up to the knees

out of rhyme or reason

everyone's to blame

children of the season

don't be lame


you're so sorry

don't be sorry

man has known and now he's blown it

upside-down and hell's the only sound

we did an awful job and now they say it's nobody's fault

old St. Andres

seven years ago

shove it up their richters

redlines stop and go

noblemen of courage

listen with their ears

spoke but how discouraging

when no one really hears

one of these days you'll be sorry

too many houses on the stilt

three million years or just a story

four on the floor up to the hilt

man has known and now he's blown it

upside-down and hell's the only sound

we did an awful job and now we're just a little too late

eyes are full of desire

mind is so ill at ease

everything is on fire

shit piled up in debris

california showtime

five o'clock's the news

everybody's concubine

was prone to take a snooze

man has known and now he's blown it

upside-down and hell's the only sound

we did an awful job and now we're just a little too late

La canción Nobody's Fault esta incluida en el disco Rocks de Aerosmith. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Nobody's Fault esta en el disco Rocks de Aerosmith.
Si que conocer más de Aerosmith podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Aerosmith, o su discografía.
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