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Letra de Push Comes To Shove

Letra de la canción Push Comes To Shove interpreteda por Aerosmith

Push Comes To Shove

Letra de la canción Push Comes To Shove interpretada por Aerosmith. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Rock In A Hard Place
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Interprete: Aerosmith
Disco: Rock In A Hard Place

Letra de la canción:

Can't be in love, When ya live alone

Push comes to shove, when you bitch and moan

Now look it here babe, you know I'm talking about you without a doubt

Said the music does the talking , but all you got is talk about it

and let the girls all left behind

And put ya woman, now n' I'll spend time

With me and the boys and the toys..(yeah . . . baby)

Rosie she was 5ft 2 with blonde hair, by crackie, n' eyes of blue

Sukie she was on my side, cuz She and Nancy,oh they took me for a ride

those girls all left behind and put ya woman, now I'll spend time

With me and the boys, what to do (yeah) with their toys

ya' talk about it

walk about it

talk about it

talk all about it

ya rock about

talk about

walk about

talk about

I warned ya bout it

talked about it

talk about

Bet ya' mama you'll never guess how my brothers other gigs are goin (now I know)

cant be in love when ya live alone

Push comes to shove when you bitch and moan

she looked good about 35 to me when mine was still coming

on clearbut i was covered back, back then cuz me and the boys knew her career

the girls all left behind

And put ya woman, and now i find, it's about time

me and the boys and our toys, in the attic (ha ha hu)

Her sister she was lanky thin

Never thought of giving in, her candle of youth was burning low

oh me and me and the boys knew someone had to go

the girls all left behind and put ya woman, now I'll spend time

while me and the boys . . .

get to do the songs I wanted covered

you talk about it

you walk about it

talked about

dont you ever get lonely ? Everybody's never gonna' guess

papa, momma, momma . . .theres no shame in . . . starting new . . .

Cant be in love, when ya live alone

Push comes to shove when you bitch and moan

La canción Push Comes To Shove esta incluida en el disco Rock In A Hard Place de Aerosmith. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Push Comes To Shove esta en el disco Rock In A Hard Place de Aerosmith.
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