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Letra de Angel

Letra de la canción Angel interpreteda por Aerosmith


Letra de la canción Angel interpretada por Aerosmith. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Permanent Vacation
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Interprete: Aerosmith
Disco: Permanent Vacation

Letra de la canción:

I'm alone yeah I don't know if I can face the night

I'm in tears and the cryin that I do is for you

I want your love let's break the wall between us

Don't make it tough, I'll put away my pride

Enough's enough, I've suffered and I've seen the light

You're my angel come and save me tonight

You're my angel come and make it alright

You're my angel come and save me tonight

Don't know what I'm gonna do about this feeling inside

Yes, it's true loneliness took me for a ride

Without your love, I'm nothin but a beggar

Without your love, a dog without a bone

What can I do, I'm sleepin' in this bed alone

You're the reason I live

You're the reason I die

You're the reason I give when I break down and cry

Don't need no reason why

Baby, baby, baby

La canción Angel esta incluida en el disco Permanent Vacation de Aerosmith. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Angel esta en el disco Permanent Vacation de Aerosmith.
Si que conocer más de Aerosmith podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Aerosmith, o su discografía.
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