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Letra de Only The Strong Survive

Letra de la canción Only The Strong Survive interpreteda por Bryan Adams

Only The Strong Survive

Letra de la canción Only The Strong Survive interpretada por Bryan Adams. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Into the fire
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Interprete: Bryan Adams
Disco: Into the fire

Letra de la canción:

When the pressure's on and you're all alone

Take a little ride into the danger zone

When the moon is up and the skies are clear

Just show me a sign and we'll be outa here

Take me up on a wing and a prayer

If you need a friend you know I'll be there

Hound dogs howlin' all through the night

Eight miles high and I'm doin' alright

Better move over 'cause you're goin' too slow

I feel the need for freedom now it's time to go

It's a fine line between pleasure and pain

Let your conscience be your guide 'til we meet again

Your time has come - you can stand or you can run

But don't keep it all inside

Cause you gotta understand that there ain't no second chance

No-one gets outa here alive - only the strong survive

Tearin' it up goin' down the track

Gonna fly so high, I might never come back

If things get tough you can count me in

Cause if you play the game you gotta play to win

Take me up where only angels can fly

If you need a helpin' hand I won't pass you by

Your time has come - you can stand or you can run

But don't keep it all inside

Cause you gotta understand that there ain't no second chance

No-one gets outa here alive - only the strong survive


Take me up on a wing and a prayer

If you need someone you know I'll be there

Your time has come - you can stand or you can run

But don't keep it all inside

Cause you gotta understand that there ain't no second chance

No-one gets outa here alive

Only the strong survive

Only the strong survive

Well I'm doin' what I can - you gotta understand

Only the strong survive

La canción Only The Strong Survive esta incluida en el disco Into the fire de Bryan Adams. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Only The Strong Survive esta en el disco Into the fire de Bryan Adams.
Si que conocer más de Bryan Adams podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Bryan Adams, o su discografía.
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