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Letra de The Reason

Letra de la canción The Reason interpreteda por Celine Dion

The Reason

Letra de la canción The Reason interpretada por Celine Dion. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Let's Talk About Love
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Interprete: Celine Dion
Disco: Let's Talk About Love

Letra de la canción:

I figured it out

I was high and low and everything in between

I was wicked and wild, baby, you know what I mean

Till there was you, yeah, you

Something went wrong

I made a deal with the devil for an empty I.O.U.

Been to hell and back, but an angel was looking through

It was you, yeah, you

It's all because of you

You are the reason

You are the reason I wake up every day

And sleep through the night

You are the reason, the reason

In the middle of the night

I'm going down 'cause I adore you

I want to floor you

I'm giving it up

No more running around spinning my wheel

You came out of my dream and made it real

I know what I feel

It's you

It's all because of you

You are the reason

You are the reason I wake up every day

And sleep through the night

You are the reason, the reason

In the middle of the night

I'm going down 'cause I want you

I want to touch you

I want to floor you

You are the reason, baby

You are the reason

You are the reason I wake up every day

And sleep through the night

You are the reason, the reason

La canción The Reason esta incluida en el disco Let's Talk About Love de Celine Dion. Información y letras del disco.
La canción The Reason esta en el disco Let's Talk About Love de Celine Dion.
Si que conocer más de Celine Dion podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Celine Dion, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre The Reason
Comentario de Fabiana (27/06/2008 15:48)
Hola chicos, solo escribia para recomendarles escuchar la canción "the reason", es mas con carole king, denle ese gusto a sus oidos, besotes!!!