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Letra de And Then - Construction Time Again

Letra de la canción And Then - Construction Time Again interpreteda por Depeche Mode

And Then - Construction Time Again

Letra de la canción And Then - Construction Time Again interpretada por Depeche Mode. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Construction Time Again
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Interprete: Depeche Mode
Disco: Construction Time Again

Letra de la canción:

Let's take a map of the world

Tear it into pieces

All of the boys and the girls

Will see how easy it is

To pull it all down and start again

From the top to the bottom and then

I'll have faith or, I prefer

To think that things couldn't turn out worse

All that we need at the start's

Universal revolution (That's all!)

And if we trust in our hearts

We'll find the solutions

Took a plane across the world

Got in a car

When I reached my destination

I hadn't gone far

Let's take the whole of the world

The mountains and the sand

Let all the boys and the girls

Shape it in their hands

La canción And Then - Construction Time Again esta incluida en el disco Construction Time Again de Depeche Mode. Información y letras del disco.
La canción And Then - Construction Time Again esta en el disco Construction Time Again de Depeche Mode.
Si que conocer más de Depeche Mode podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Depeche Mode, o su discografía.
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