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Letra de Never Let Me Down Again

Letra de la canción Never Let Me Down Again interpreteda por Depeche Mode

Never Let Me Down Again

Letra de la canción Never Let Me Down Again interpretada por Depeche Mode. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Music for the Masses
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Interprete: Depeche Mode
Disco: Music for the Masses

Letra de la canción:

I'm taking a ride

With my best friend

I hope he never lets me down again

He knows where he's taking me

Taking me where I want to be

I'm taking a ride

With my best friend

We're flying high

We're watching the world pass us by

Never want to come down

Never want to put my feet back down

On the ground

I'm taking a ride

With my best friend

I hope he never lets me down again

Promises me I'm as safe as houses

As long as I remember who's wearing the trousers

I hope he never lets me down again

Never let me down

See the stars, they're shining bright

Everything's alright tonight

La canción Never Let Me Down Again esta incluida en el disco Music for the Masses de Depeche Mode. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Never Let Me Down Again esta en el disco Music for the Masses de Depeche Mode.
Si que conocer más de Depeche Mode podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Depeche Mode, o su discografía.
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