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Letra de Strangelove

Letra de la canción Strangelove interpreteda por Depeche Mode


Letra de la canción Strangelove interpretada por Depeche Mode. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Music for the Masses
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Interprete: Depeche Mode
Disco: Music for the Masses

Letra de la canción:

There'll be times

When my crimes

Will seem almost unforgivable

I give in to sin

Because you have to make this life liveable

But when you think I've had enough

From your sea of love

I'll take more than another riverfull

And I'll make it worthwhile

I'll make your heart smile


Strange highs and strange lows


That's how my love goes


Will you give it to me

Will you take the pain

I will give to you

Again and again

And will you return it

There'll be days

When I'll stray

I may appear to be

Constantly out of reach

I give in to sin

Because I like to practise what I preach

I'm not trying to say

I'll have it all my way

I'm always willing to learn

When you've got something to teach

And I'll make it all worthwhile

I'll make your heart smile

Pain will you return it

I'll say it again - pain

Pain will you return it

I won't say it again

I give in

Again and again

I give in

Will you give it to me

I give in

I'll say it again

I give in

I give in

Again and again

I give in

That's how my love goes

I give in

I'll say it again

I give in

La canción Strangelove esta incluida en el disco Music for the Masses de Depeche Mode. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Strangelove esta en el disco Music for the Masses de Depeche Mode.
Si que conocer más de Depeche Mode podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Depeche Mode, o su discografía.
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