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Letra de I Want You Now

Letra de la canción I Want You Now interpreteda por Depeche Mode

I Want You Now

Letra de la canción I Want You Now interpretada por Depeche Mode. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Music for the Masses
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Interprete: Depeche Mode
Disco: Music for the Masses

Letra de la canción:

I want you now

Tomorrow won't do

There's a yearning inside

And it's showing through

Reach out your hands

And accept my love

We've waited for too long

Enough is enough

I want you now

My heart is aching

My body is burning

My hands are shaking

My head is turning

You understand

It's so easy to choose

We've got time to kill

We've got nothing to lose

I want you now

And I don't mean to sound

Like one of the boys

That's not what I'm trying to do

I don't want to be

Like one of the boys

I just want you now

Because I've got a love

A love that won't wait

A love that is growing

And it's getting late

Do you know what it means

To be left this way

When everyone's gone

And the feelings they stay

I want you now

La canción I Want You Now esta incluida en el disco Music for the Masses de Depeche Mode. Información y letras del disco.
La canción I Want You Now esta en el disco Music for the Masses de Depeche Mode.
Si que conocer más de Depeche Mode podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Depeche Mode, o su discografía.
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