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Letra de Better Off Dead

Letra de la canción Better Off Dead interpreteda por Elton John

Better Off Dead

Letra de la canción Better Off Dead interpretada por Elton John. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy
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Interprete: Elton John
Disco: Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy

Letra de la canción:

There was a face on a hoarding that someone had drawn on

And just enough time for the night to pass by without warning

Away in the distance there's a blue flashing light

Someone's in trouble somewhere tonight

As the flickering neon stands ready to fuse

The wind blows away all of yesterday's news

Well they've locked up their daughters and they battened the hatches

They always could find us but they never could catch us

Through the grease streaked windows of an all night cafe

We watched the arrested get taken away

And that cigarette haze has ecology beat

As the whores and the drunks filed in from the street

`Cause the steams in the boiler the coals in the fire

If you ask how I am then I'll just say inspired

If the thorn of a rose is the thorn in your side

Then you're better off dead if you haven't yet died

La canción Better Off Dead esta incluida en el disco Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy de Elton John. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Better Off Dead esta en el disco Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy de Elton John.
Si que conocer más de Elton John podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Elton John, o su discografía.
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