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Letra de Fascist Faces

Letra de la canción Fascist Faces interpreteda por Elton John

Fascist Faces

Letra de la canción Fascist Faces interpretada por Elton John. Este tema esta incluído en el disco The Fox
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Interprete: Elton John
Disco: The Fox

Letra de la canción:

I read about how you're slow with the truth

Like any old Aesop's Fable

But when you're turtlesque, I'm a hare's breath

Into payment under the table

But some journalist got his mug shot kit

And his briefcase on his lap

But I'm tired of being linked with the K.G.B.

And all that political crap

`Cause I've seen your fascist faces

On the cover of the national papers

Staring out in black and white

From the tall gray walls on the other side

When I see your fascist faces

Then I know I've had enough

Trying to trace it or erase it

Is it foolproof or a bluff

If the boy had been blessed he'd have been arrested

On a charge of wearing red shoes

But if your pants are blue you got nothing to lose

It'll make you a patriot through and through

La canción Fascist Faces esta incluida en el disco The Fox de Elton John. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Fascist Faces esta en el disco The Fox de Elton John.
Si que conocer más de Elton John podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Elton John, o su discografía.
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