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Letra de Ball And Chain

Letra de la canción Ball And Chain interpreteda por Elton John

Ball And Chain

Letra de la canción Ball And Chain interpretada por Elton John. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Jump Up!
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Interprete: Elton John
Disco: Jump Up!

Letra de la canción:

I got a ball and chain hanging around my heart

You were the one to blame for tearing my world apart

I got a heart so true, you got a heart of ice

A little more love from you, it could have been paradise

I got a ball and chain hanging around my heart

And if it's all the same maybe we should part

And I'm singing do do do...

I'm singing do do do...

You had to tie me down inside a cage of doubt

I'm sick of being kicked around so this is where I get out

Oh oui baby you tried to hold me but you were slowly

Driving me insane

Oh oui baby

I got a ball and chain hanging around my heart

You were the one to blame for tearing my world apart

I got a heart so true, you got a heart of ice

A little more love from you, it could have been paradise

I couldn't take your pain, you couldn't take my love

So I'm gonna quit this game `cause baby I've had enough

La canción Ball And Chain esta incluida en el disco Jump Up! de Elton John. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Ball And Chain esta en el disco Jump Up! de Elton John.
Si que conocer más de Elton John podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Elton John, o su discografía.
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