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Letra de On Your Shore

Letra de la canción On Your Shore interpreteda por Enya

On Your Shore

Letra de la canción On Your Shore interpretada por Enya. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Watermark
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Interprete: Enya
Disco: Watermark

Letra de la canción:

Strange how my heart beats

To find myself upon your shore.

Strange how I still feel

My loss of comfort gone before.

Cool waves wash over

And drift away with dreams of youth

So time is stolen

I cannot hold you long enough.

And so this is where I should be now

Days and nights falling by

Days and nights falling by me.

I know of a dream I should be holding

Days and nights falling by

Days and nights falling by me.

Soft blue horizons

Reach far into my childhood days

As you are rising

To bring me my forgotten ways.

Strange how I falter

To find I'm standing in deep water

Strange how my heart beats

To find I'm standing on your shore

La canción On Your Shore esta incluida en el disco Watermark de Enya. Información y letras del disco.
La canción On Your Shore esta en el disco Watermark de Enya.
Si que conocer más de Enya podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Enya, o su discografía.
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