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Letra de Patience

Letra de la canción Patience interpreteda por George Michael


Letra de la canción Patience interpretada por George Michael. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Patience
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Interprete: George Michael
Disco: Patience

Letra de la canción:

It's like a conversation, where no-one stops to breathe

Is it my imagination, or did God already leave the table?

Such destruction, and pure white castles in the sand

No time for introduction

With all that money changing hands

And the satellite says, "Take a look at all we have"

But the old man says,

"You want my family, for your liberty...I can't do that."

Look into the eyes of any patient man

Whether they be amber, green or blue,

There's a piece of God staring back at you

But they see our children, and the old folk fend for themselves

They see our broken women

On imaginary shelves

But the satellite says, "Won't you people look at all we have?

Don't you want it?

Can't you see the things that you lack?"

Children in his arms, he turns his back

La canción Patience esta incluida en el disco Patience de George Michael. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Patience esta en el disco Patience de George Michael.
Si que conocer más de George Michael podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por George Michael, o su discografía.
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