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Letra de Shoot The Dog

Letra de la canción Shoot The Dog interpreteda por George Michael

Shoot The Dog

Letra de la canción Shoot The Dog interpretada por George Michael. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Patience
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Interprete: George Michael
Disco: Patience

Letra de la canción:

GTi, Hot Shot,

He parks it there,just to piss me off.

Bullyboy, gonna show ya who's tough,

I'm gonna shoot the dog, I'm gonna shoot the dog

It's party time, everyday

I spent Saturday night on Novocaine

Called the pigs, but nobody came

I'm gonna shoot the dog, I'm gonna shoot the dog (come on ladies)

Nine nine nine gettin' jiggy

People did you see that fire in the City?

It's like we're fresh out of democratic,

Gotta get yourself a little something semi-automatic yeahh

That's why I'm always gettin' stoned yeah

That's why I'm out there havin' fun again

Good puppy, good puppy

Rolling on over



The Gaza Boys,

All that holy stuff.

I got the feelin' when it al goes off,

They're gonna shoot the dog, they're gonna shoot the dog

So, Cherie my dear,

Could you leave the way clear for sex tonight?

Tell him

"Tony Tony Tony, I know that your horny, but there's

somethin bout that Bush ain't right"

Nine nine nine gettin' jiggy

People did you see that fire in the City?

It's like we're fresh out of democratic,

Gotta get yourself a little something semi-automatic yeahh

That's why I'm always gettin' stoned yeah

That's why I'm out there havin' fun again

Good puppy, good puppy

Rolling on over for The Man...

The Ayatollah's gettin' bombed yeah,

See Seargeat Bilko havin fun again,

Good puppy, good puppy

Rollin on over for The Man...

I believe, I believe what the old man said

Tough I know that there's no lord above

I belive in me, I believe in you

And you know I believe in love

I believe in truth though I lie a lot

I fell the pain from the push and shove

No matter what you put me through

I'll still believe in love

And I say

Cherie Baby, Spliff up

I wanna kick back mama

And whatch the world cup whith ya baby

Yeah, that's right!

We're gettin freeky tonight

Stay whith me tonight

Let's have some fun while Tony's stateside

It's gonna be alright

It's gonna be alright

See Tony dancing whith Dubya

Don't you wanna know why?

La canción Shoot The Dog esta incluida en el disco Patience de George Michael. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Shoot The Dog esta en el disco Patience de George Michael.
Si que conocer más de George Michael podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por George Michael, o su discografía.
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