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Letra de My Mother Had A Brother

Letra de la canción My Mother Had A Brother interpreteda por George Michael

My Mother Had A Brother

Letra de la canción My Mother Had A Brother interpretada por George Michael. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Patience
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Interprete: George Michael
Disco: Patience

Letra de la canción:

My mother had a brother

They say that I was born on the day that he died

Someone to cling to, she said

When all the noises and the shame came calling

My mother had a brother

I thought I knew them all, I thought I knew

But she lied

I said, "Show me his face again, tell me again why he died"

She said he couldn't wait for the things that I've seen

She said he wasn't strong enough, he never dared to dream a life like mine

My mother had a brother

Over-sensitive and kind

Seems it all became too much for him..

It seems he took his own life

Mum, I can't imagine the joy and pain in equal measure

Tears in the dirt, and all over your newborn treasure

I guess he had to wait until my momma had me

I guess he couldn't wait another moment to be free

In endless sky.....

But mama will you tell him from your boy

The times they changed

I guess the world was getting warmer

And we got stronger

Mother will you tell him about my joy

I live each day for him

The sun came out, yeah, and I'm just breathing it in


My mother had a brother

Same desire, different time

Seems the empty spaces tortured him

Until he took his own life

I don't know why I waited so long for love

I just don't know what I was thinking of..

All that wasted time

But mama will you tell him from your boy

The times they changed

I guess the world was getting warmer

While we got stronger

Mother will you tell him about my joy

I live each day with him

Your son came out, yeah,

And I'm still breathing it in

And I swear now that freedom is here

I'm gonna taste it all for you boy

I'm bad to the bone, I'm just a little torn

I'm making so much love

So those of us who have nothing to fear

We've got to make damn sure that it was worth it

I'm bad to the bone, I'm just a little stoned

I'm making so much love

I was a prisoner, but he saved me

Broke into my dreams and said, "Who cares?"

I was a prisoner, so disgrace me

I'm glad to be home

And I don't believe they care

La canción My Mother Had A Brother esta incluida en el disco Patience de George Michael. Información y letras del disco.
La canción My Mother Had A Brother esta en el disco Patience de George Michael.
Si que conocer más de George Michael podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por George Michael, o su discografía.
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