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Letra de American Angel

Letra de la canción American Angel interpreteda por George Michael

American Angel

Letra de la canción American Angel interpretada por George Michael. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Patience
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Interprete: George Michael
Disco: Patience

Letra de la canción:

Bless the day you came into my life, I still remember

Horny cowboy with your stars and stripes

Bringing the light into my day

With that Texan smile

Too afraid to love, to hope that you would stay

So broken that I never saw you chase the past away

My American Angel, he doesn't want to fight (doesn't need to fight)

My U.S of Angel, holds me in the dead of night

Takes away that fear that I carried forever

You stopped to wipe away my tears

And you stayed forever and more

( I don't think that I...)

Yesterday it seemed my life was colder than December

All alone I watched the eagles fly

Even the light seemed to have changed

In the Californian sky

Through all of those battles then you came

Stepped out of the fading light

Said, "Baby I'm American, dry your eyes again,

Because I'm here to save your life"

My American Angel, he doesn't want to fight (doesn't need to fight)

My U.S of Angel, holds me in the dead of night

Takes away that fear that I carried forever

You stopped to wipe away my tears

But you stayed forever amore

And more, didn't you baby..

Because I don't think that I could love and lose again

I don't think I have the strength

I don't think I have the strength

I don't think that I...

La canción American Angel esta incluida en el disco Patience de George Michael. Información y letras del disco.
La canción American Angel esta en el disco Patience de George Michael.
Si que conocer más de George Michael podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por George Michael, o su discografía.
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