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Letra de Freeek!

Letra de la canción Freeek! interpreteda por George Michael


Letra de la canción Freeek! interpretada por George Michael. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Patience
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Interprete: George Michael
Disco: Patience

Letra de la canción:

You got yourself some action

Said you got yourself a body

You got yourself an ass with

Mind of it's own brings something to the party

You got yourself addicted

You shoot off, but take your time

You got yourself a paycheck

Faces in the places where the sun don't shine

I'll be your sexual freak (freak)

Of the week

I'll be your inspirational brother (sister)

Yo mama can't you see

I'll be your sexual freak

Of the week (Ohh touch it)

I'll be your educational lover

Your one fuck fantasy

Can I come on in, my sweet baby

Can I move on in

Can I come on in, my sweet baby,

Can I move on in

You got yourself some action

Said you got your sexy Java

You got your speed connection

Free chat, fuck that, get a little harder

You got yourself a big bed

You shoot off, but take your time

In the house with a bitch and a mouse

And your daddy's plastic how fantastic, yeah!

I'll be your sexual freak (Back up on this)

Of the week (Yeah... I think I need to re-booty)

I'll be your inspirational brother (Sister)

Yo mama can't you see

I'll be your sexual freak (B,B,Back)

Of the week (B,B,push back, sexy mama)

I'll be your educational lover

(Yeah) Your one fuck fantasy

Can I come on in, my sweet baby

Can I move on in

Can I come on in, my sweet baby,

Can I move on in

Sexual freak (Sister)

I think I need to re-booty

Sexual freak (Sister)

I'll be your sexual freak, of the week (You're such a sexy mama)

I'll be your inspirational brother (Sister),

Yo mama can't you see (I think I need a re-re-booty)

I'll be your sexual freak

I'll be your educational lover, your one fuck fantasy

(Sister) (Baby) Sexual freak. (Baby)

Inspirational brother

You got yourself some action

Said you got yourself a body

You got yourself an ass with mind of its own brings something to the party

Come on kids, don't be scared

It's a tits and ass world you gotta be prepared

Come on kids, don't be scared

It's a tits and ass world you gotta be prepared

Come on kids, you know your mama and your daddy don't care

Don't be scared, it's a tits and ass world you gotta be prepared

La canción Freeek! esta incluida en el disco Patience de George Michael. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Freeek! esta en el disco Patience de George Michael.
Si que conocer más de George Michael podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por George Michael, o su discografía.
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