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Letra de The Judge's Daughter

Letra de la canción The Judge's Daughter interpreteda por Green Day

The Judge's Daughter

Letra de la canción The Judge's Daughter interpretada por Green Day. Este tema esta incluído en el disco 1,039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours
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Interprete: Green Day
Disco: 1,039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours

Letra de la canción:

Princess in a school girl's dream

May I please speak with you?

I'm having troubles with control

And it's all because of you

Today I kept on falling down

I thought it was the street

So I look down at my shoes

They were on the wrong feet

I find it hard to be myself

(Can you please explain?)

I do not think that it's my health

(You're the one to blame)

You're the one I wish I had

And now my girlfriend is getting mad

(I cannot call this sane)

Today as I was walking down

You bumped into me

You said "excuse me" and walked away

As I dropped to my knees

I prayed to the being in the sky

That my parents told me of

I asked about you but no reply

No clues about your love!

I find it hard to be myself

(Can you please explain?)

I do not think that it's my health

(You're the one to blame)

My girlfriend left me on the phone

I'm pathetically left here alone

(I cannot call this sane)

Can we find a way

So that you can stay

I think I'm gonna Pop

I find it hard to be myself

(Can you please explain?)

I do not think that it's my health

(You're the one to blame)

You're the one I wish I had

And now my girlfriend is getting mad

(I cannot call this sane)

Can we find a way

So that you can stay

I think I'm gonna Pop

La canción The Judge's Daughter esta incluida en el disco 1,039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours de Green Day. Información y letras del disco.
La canción The Judge's Daughter esta en el disco 1,039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours de Green Day.
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