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Letra de One for the Razorbacks

Letra de la canción One for the Razorbacks interpreteda por Green Day

One for the Razorbacks

Letra de la canción One for the Razorbacks interpretada por Green Day. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Kerplunk
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Interprete: Green Day
Disco: Kerplunk

Letra de la canción:

Juliet's trying to find out what she wants, but she don't know

Experience has got her down

Look this direction, I know it's not perfection, it's just me...

I want to bring you up again now

Cause' I'm losing what's left of my dignity

A small price to pay to see that you're happy

Forget all the disappointments you have faced

Open up your worried world and let me in

Juliet's crying cause now she's realizing love can be

Filled with pain and distrust

I know I am crazy, and a bit lazy

But I will try to bring you up again now

Cause' I'm losing what's left of my dignity

A small price to pay to see that you're happy

Forget all the disappointments you have faced

Open up your worried world and let me in

Juliet's crying cause now she's realizing love can be

Filled with pain and distrust

I know I am crazy, and a bit lazy

But I will try to bring you up again some how

Cause' I'm losing what's left of my dignity

A small price to pay to see that you're happy

Forget all the disappointments you have faced

Open up your worried world and let me in

La canción One for the Razorbacks esta incluida en el disco Kerplunk de Green Day. Información y letras del disco.
La canción One for the Razorbacks esta en el disco Kerplunk de Green Day.
Si que conocer más de Green Day podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Green Day, o su discografía.
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