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Letra de Geek Stink Breath

Letra de la canción Geek Stink Breath interpreteda por Green Day

Geek Stink Breath

Letra de la canción Geek Stink Breath interpretada por Green Day. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Insomniac
1641 visitas, 11 votos ()

Interprete: Green Day
Disco: Insomniac

Letra de la canción:

I'm on a mission

I made my decision

To lead a path of self destruction

A slow progression

Killing my complexion

And it's rotting out my teeth

I'm on a roll

No self comtrol

I'm blowing off steam with methamphetamine

Don't know what I want

That's all that I've got

And I'm picking scabs off my face

Every hour my blood is turning sour

And my pulse is beating out of time

I found a treasure

filled with sick pleasure

And it sits on a thin white line

I'm on a roll

No self comtrol

I'm blowing off steam with methamphetamine

Don't know what I want

That's all that I've got

And I'm picking scabs off my face

I'm on a mission

I got no decision

Like a cripple running the rat race

Wish in one hand shit in the other

And see which one gets filled first

I'm on a roll

No self comtrol

I'm blowing off steam with methamphetamine

Don't know what I want

That's all that I've got

And I'm picking scabs off my face

La canción Geek Stink Breath esta incluida en el disco Insomniac de Green Day. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Geek Stink Breath esta en el disco Insomniac de Green Day.
Si que conocer más de Green Day podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Green Day, o su discografía.
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