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Letra de Uptight

Letra de la canción Uptight interpreteda por Green Day


Letra de la canción Uptight interpretada por Green Day. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Nimrod
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Interprete: Green Day
Disco: Nimrod

Letra de la canción:

I woke up on the wrong side of the floor.

Made, made my way through the front door.

Broke my engagement with myself.

Perfect picture of bad health, another notch scratched on my belt.

The future just ain't what it used to be.

I got a new start on a dead end road.

Peaked, peaked out on reaching new lows.

Owe, I paid off all my debts to myself.

Perfect picture of bad health, another notch scratched on my belt.

The future's in my living room.

Uptight, I'm a nag with a gun.

All night, suicide's last call.

I've been uptight all night.

I'm a son of a gun.

Uptight I'm a nag with a gun

La canción Uptight esta incluida en el disco Nimrod de Green Day. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Uptight esta en el disco Nimrod de Green Day.
Si que conocer más de Green Day podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Green Day, o su discografía.
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