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Letra de Fashion Victim

Letra de la canción Fashion Victim interpreteda por Green Day

Fashion Victim

Letra de la canción Fashion Victim interpretada por Green Day. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Warning
2021 visitas, 1 votos ()

Interprete: Green Day
Disco: Warning

Letra de la canción:

He's a victim of his own time

In his vintage suit and tie

He's a casualty dressed to the teeth

In the latest genocide

The new seasons come and go

At the dog and pony show

Gonna sit and beg and fetch the names

And follow your dress codes

What's in a name, hey!

She's a scented magazine

Lookin sharp and livin clean

Livin well and dressed to kill

But she looks like hell to me

When you're dancing through your wardrobe

Do the anorexa-go-go

Cloaked with style for pedophiles

As your credit card explodes

Well you auctioned off your life

For the most expensive prize

Going once, going twice, it's gone

(youth crew)

What's in a name, hey!

What's in a name, hey!

What's in a name?

La canción Fashion Victim esta incluida en el disco Warning de Green Day. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Fashion Victim esta en el disco Warning de Green Day.
Si que conocer más de Green Day podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Green Day, o su discografía.
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