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Letra de Misery

Letra de la canción Misery interpreteda por Green Day


Letra de la canción Misery interpretada por Green Day. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Warning
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Interprete: Green Day
Disco: Warning

Letra de la canción:

Virginia was a lot lizard from F.L.A.

She had a compund fracture in the trunk

It started when she ran away

Thumbs out on the interstate

She hitched a ride to Misery

Mr. Whirly had a catastrophic incident

He fell into the city by the bay

He liquidated his estate

Now he sleeps up on the Haight

Panhandling Misery

And he's gonna get high high high

When he's low low low

The fire burns from better days

And she screams why oh why

I said I don't know

The catastrophic hymns from yesterday

Of Misery

Well Vinnie was a hustler out of Amsterdam

He ran the drug cartel in Tinsel Town

They found him in a Cadillac

Bludgeoned with a baseball bat

In the name of Misery

Then Gina hit the road to New York City

Mysteriously the night Vinnie croaked

She stopped in Vegas to elope

With Virginia and a dope

Who kissed the bride eternally

And they're gonna get high high high

When they're low low low

The fire burns from better days

And she screams why oh why

I said I don't know

The catastrophic hymns from yesterday

Of Misery

Well hell's hounds on your trail now once again, boy

It's groping on your leg until it sleeps

The emptiness will fill your soul with sorrow

'Cuz it's not what you make, it's what you leave

And we're gonna get high high high

When we're low low low

The fire burns from better days

And she screams why oh why

I said I don't know

The catastrophic hymns from yesterday

Of Misery

La canción Misery esta incluida en el disco Warning de Green Day. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Misery esta en el disco Warning de Green Day.
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Comentarios sobre Misery
Comentario de Pame (12/08/2008 19:18)
Hola, bien es un tema demasiado bueno osea, estamos hablando de green day, no esperaba menos, todas sus canciones tienen demasiada calidad, y se porque lo digo, se mucho de música, es mi vida, ademas..."Ver comentario completo