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Letra de Extraordinary Girl

Letra de la canción Extraordinary Girl interpreteda por Green Day

Extraordinary Girl

Letra de la canción Extraordinary Girl interpretada por Green Day. Este tema esta incluído en el disco American Idiot
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Interprete: Green Day
Disco: American Idiot

Letra de la canción:


An Extraordinary girl

In an ordinary world

And she can't seem to get away


Lacks the courage in his mind

Like a child left behind

Like a pet left in the rain

She's all alone again

Wiping the tears from her eyes

Some days she feels like dying

She gets so sick of crying

She sees the mirror of herself

And image she wants to sell

To anyone willing to buy

He steals the image in her kiss

From her heart's apocalypse

From the one called whatsername

She's all alone again

Wiping the tears from her eyes

Some days she feels like dying

She gets so sick of crying

She's all alone again

Wiping the tears from her eyes

Some days she feels like dying

Some days it's not worth trying

Now that they've pulled the fun in

She gets so sick of crying


An Extraordinary girl

An Extraordinary girl

An Extraordinary girl

An Extraordinary girl

La canción Extraordinary Girl esta incluida en el disco American Idiot de Green Day. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Extraordinary Girl esta en el disco American Idiot de Green Day.
Si que conocer más de Green Day podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Green Day, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre Extraordinary Girl
Comentario de MARIAJOSE (28/11/2007 18:40)
Sta cancion esta super green day lo mejor en punk rock billie joe armstrong el mejor bye