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Letra de Homecoming

Letra de la canción Homecoming interpreteda por Green Day


Letra de la canción Homecoming interpretada por Green Day. Este tema esta incluído en el disco American Idiot
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Interprete: Green Day
Disco: American Idiot

Letra de la canción:

Part I: The Death of St. Jimmy

My heart is beating from me

I am standing all alone

Please call me only if you are coming come

Waste another year flies by

Waste a night or two

You taught me how to live

In the streets of shame

Where you've lost your dreams in the rain

There's no sign of hope

The stems and seeds of the last of the dope

There's a glow of light

The St. Jimmy is the spark in the night

Bearing gifts and trust

A fixture in the city of lust

What the hell's your name?

What's your pleasure what is your pain?

Do you dream to much?

Do you think what you need is a crutch

In the crowd of pain.

St. Jimmy comes without any shame

He says “we're fucked up”

But we're not the same

And mom and dad are the ones you can blame

Jimmy died today

He blew out his brains into the bay

In the state of mind

Is my own private suicide

Part II: East 12th ST.

Well nobody cares

Well nobody cares

Does anyone care if nobody cares?

Well nobody cares

Well nobody cares

Does anyone care if nobody cares?

Jesus filling out paperwork now

At the facility on East 12th st.

He's not listened to a word now

He's in his own world

And he's daydreaming

He'd rather be doing something else now

Like cigarettes and coffee with the under belly

His life's on the line with anxiety now

And she had enough

And he had plenty

Somebody get me out of here

Anybody get me out of here

Somebody get me out of here

Get me the fuck right out of here

So far away

I don't want to stay

Get me out of here right now

Just wanna be free

Is there a responsibility

Get me out of here right now

This lifelike dream ain't for me

Part III: Nobody likes you!

I fell asleep while watching Spike TV

After 10 cups of coffee

And your still not here

Dreaming of a song

But something went wrong

And you can't tell anyone

'Cause noone's here

Left me here alone

And I should've stayed home

After 10 cups of coffee

I'm thinking were'd you go

Nobody likes you

Everyone left you

They're all out without you

Havin' fun

Where'd you go?

Everyone left you

Nobody likes you

They're all out without you

Havin' fun

Where'd you go?

Part IV Rock and roll girlfriend

*written and sung by Tre'


I got a rock and roll band

I got a rock and roll life

I got a rock and roll girlfriend

And another ex-wife

I got a rock and roll house

I got a rock and roll car

I plat the shit out the drums

And I can play the guitar

I got a kid in New York

I got a kid in the bay

I haven't drank or smoked nothin'

In over 22 days

So get off my case

Off of my case

Off of my case

Part V: We're coming home again

Here they come marching down the street

Like a desperation murmur of a heartbeat

Coming back from the edge of town

Underneath their feet

The time has come and it's going nowhere

Nobody ever said that life was fair now

Go-carts and guns are treasures they will bear

In the summer heat

The world is spinning

Round and round

Out of control again

From the 7-11 to the fear of breaking down

So send my love a letterbomb

And visit me in hell

We're the ones going


We're coming home again

I started fuckin' running

As soon as my feet touched ground

We're back in barrio

And to you and me, that's jingle town

That's home

We're coming home again


We're coming home again


We're coming home again


We're coming home again



We're coming home again

Nobody likes you

Everyone left you

They're all out with out you

Havin' fun...

La canción Homecoming esta incluida en el disco American Idiot de Green Day. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Homecoming esta en el disco American Idiot de Green Day.
Si que conocer más de Green Day podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Green Day, o su discografía.
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