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Letra de Locomotive

Letra de la canción Locomotive interpreteda por Guns N' Roses


Letra de la canción Locomotive interpretada por Guns N' Roses. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Use Your Illusion II
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Interprete: Guns N' Roses
Disco: Use Your Illusion II

Letra de la canción:

Gonna find a way to cure this loneliness

Yeah I'll find a way to cure the pain

If I said that you're my friend

And our love would never end

How long before I had your trust again

I opened up the doors when it was cold outside

Hopin' that you'd find your own way in

But how can I protect you

Or try not to neglect you

When you won't take the love I have to give

I bought me an illusion

An I put it on the wall

I let it fill my head with dreams

And I had to have them all

But oh the taste is never so sweet

As what you'd believe it is

Well I guess it never is

It's these prejudiced illusions

That pump the blood

To the heart of the biz

You know I never thought that it could take so long

You know I never knew how to be strong

Yeah, I let you shape me

But I feel as though you raped me

'Cause you climbed inside my world

And in my songs

So now I've closed the door

To keep the cold outside

Seems somehow I've found the will to live

But how can I forget you

Or try not to reject you

When we both know it takes time to forgive

Sweetness is a virtue

And you lost your virtue long ago

You know I'd like to hurt you

But my conscience always tells me no

You could sell your body on the street

To anyone who looks like me

Who'd love to try and get inside

And bust your innocence open wide

'Cause my baby's got a locomotive

My baby's gone off the track

My baby's got a locomotive

Got ta peel the bitch off my back

I know it looks like I'm insane

Take a closer look I'm not to blame


Gonna have some fun with my frustration

Gonna watch the big screen in my head

I'd rather take a detour

'Cause this road ain't gettin' clearer

Your train of thought has cut me off again

Better tame that boy 'cause he's a wild one

Better tame that boy for he's a man

Sweetheart don't make me laugh

You's gettin' too big for your pants

And I's think maybe you should

Cut out while you can

You can use you illusion

Let it take you where it may

We live and learn

And then sometimes it's best to walk away

Me I'm just here hangin' on

It's my only place to stay at least

For now anyway

I've worked too hard for my illusions

Just to throw them all away

I'm taking time for quiet consolation

In passing by this love that's passed away

I know it's never easy

So why should you believe me

When I've always got so many things to say

Calling off the dogs a simple choice is made

'Cause playful hearts

Can sometimes be enraged

You know I tried to wake you

I mean how long could it take you

To open up your eyes and turn the page

Kindness is a treasure

And it's one towards me you've seldom shown

So I'll say it for good measure

To all the ones like you I've known

Ya know I'd like to shave your head

And all my friends could paint it red

'Cause love to me's a two way street

An all I really want is peace

But my baby's got a locomotive

My baby's gone off the track

My baby's got a locomotive

Got ta peel the bitch off my back

I know it looks like I'm insane

Take a closer look I'm not to blame


Affection is a blessing

Can you find it in your sordid heart

I tried to keep this thing ta-gether

But the tremor tore my pad apart

Yeah I know it's hard to face

When all we've worked for's gone to waste

But you're such a stupid woman

And I'm such a stupid man

But love like time's got its own plans

'Cause my baby's got a locomotive

My baby's gone off the track

My baby's got a locomotive

Got ta peel the bitch off my back

I know it looks like I'm insane

Take a closer look I'm not to blame


If love is blind I guess

I'll buy myself a cane


La canción Locomotive esta incluida en el disco Use Your Illusion II de Guns N' Roses. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Locomotive esta en el disco Use Your Illusion II de Guns N' Roses.
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