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Letra de So Fine

Letra de la canción So Fine interpreteda por Guns N' Roses

So Fine

Letra de la canción So Fine interpretada por Guns N' Roses. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Use Your Illusion II
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Interprete: Guns N' Roses
Disco: Use Your Illusion II

Letra de la canción:

How could she look so fine

How could it be she might be mine

How could she be so cool

I've been taken for a fool

So many times - Yeah

It's a story of a man

Who works as hard as he can

Just to be a man who stands on his own

But the book always burns

As the story takes it turn

An leaves a broken man

How could she be so cool

How could she be so fine

I owe a favor to a friend

My friends they always come through for me - Yeah

It's a story of a man

Who works as hard as he can

Just to be a man who stands on his own

But the book always burns

As the story takes it turn

An leaves a broken man

If you could only live my life

You could see the difference you make to me - To me

I'd look right up at night

And all I'd see was darkness

Now I see the stars alright

I wanna reach right up and grab one for you

When the lights went down in your house

Yeah that made me happy

The sweat I make for you

Yeah... I think you know where that comes from


Well I'd look right up at night

And all I'd see was darkness

Now I see the stars alright

I wanna reach right up and grab one for you

When the lights went down in your house

Yeah that made me happy

The sweat I make for you

I think you know where that comes from

How could she look so good (So good)

How could she be so fine

How could she be so cool

How could it be she might be mine


La canción So Fine esta incluida en el disco Use Your Illusion II de Guns N' Roses. Información y letras del disco.
La canción So Fine esta en el disco Use Your Illusion II de Guns N' Roses.
Si que conocer más de Guns N' Roses podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Guns N' Roses, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre So Fine
Comentario de Ludmila (16/08/2009 13:54)
Hola soy luudmila de quilmes argentina ojala esto lo puedan traducir querria decirle que ojala se junten los guns n roses que sin ellos no hay rock and roll. Bueno la cancion so fine esta muy buena esta..."Ver comentario completo