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Letra de Estranged

Letra de la canción Estranged interpreteda por Guns N' Roses


Letra de la canción Estranged interpretada por Guns N' Roses. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Use Your Illusion II
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Interprete: Guns N' Roses
Disco: Use Your Illusion II

Letra de la canción:

When you're talkin to yourself

And nobody's home

You can fool yourself

You came in this world alone


So nobody ever told you baby

How it was gonna be

So what'll happen to you baby

Guess we'll have to wait and see


Old at heart but I'm only 28

And I'm much too young

To let love break my heart

Young at heart but it's getting much too late

To find ourselves so far apart

I don't know how you're s'posed to find me lately

An what more could you ask from me

How could you say that I never needed you

When you took everything

Said you took everything from me

Young at heart an it gets so hard to wait

When no one I know can seem to help me now

Old at heart but I musn't hesitate

If I'm to find my own way out

Still talkin' to myself

And nobody's home


So nobody ever told us baby

How it was gonna be

So what'll happen to us baby

Guess we'll have to wait and see

When I find out all the reasons

Maybe I'll find another way

Find another day

With all the changing seasons of my life

Maybe I'll get it right next time

An now that you've been broken down

Got your head out of the clouds

You're back down on the ground

And you don't talk so loud

An you don't walk so proud

Any more, and what for

Well I jumped into the river

Too many times to make it home

I'm out here on my own, an drifting all alone

If it doesn't show give it time

To read between the lines

'Cause I see the storm getting closer

And the waves they get so high

Seems everything we've ever known's here

Why must it drift away and die

I'll never find anyone to replace you

Guess I'll have to make it thru, this time - Oh this time

Without you

I knew the storm was getting closer

And all my friends said I was high

But everything we've ever known's here

I never wanted it to die

La canción Estranged esta incluida en el disco Use Your Illusion II de Guns N' Roses. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Estranged esta en el disco Use Your Illusion II de Guns N' Roses.
Si que conocer más de Guns N' Roses podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Guns N' Roses, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre Estranged
Comentario de Solo yo... (04/10/2006 02:51)
Aguante los guns... sobre todo welcome to the jungle y dont cry.!!!!!!!!!