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Letra de Cast No Shadow

Letra de la canción Cast No Shadow interpreteda por Oasis

Cast No Shadow

Letra de la canción Cast No Shadow interpretada por Oasis. Este tema esta incluído en el disco (What's the Story) Morning Glory?
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Interprete: Oasis
Disco: (What's the Story) Morning Glory?

Letra de la canción:

Here's a thought for every man who tries to understand

What is in his hands (what's in his hands)

He walks along the open road of love and life

To find it if he can (to find it if he can)

Bound with all the weight of all the words he tried to say

Chained to all the places that he never wished to stay

Bound with all the weight of all the words he tried to say

As he faced the sun he cast no shadow


As they took his soul they stole his pride (priiiii-hide) <-- 3 times

As he faced the sun he cast no shadow




Here's a thought for every man who tries to understand

What is in his hands (what's in his hands)

He walks along the open road of love and life

To find it if he can (but only if he can)

Bound with all the weight of all the words he tried to say

Chained to all the places that he never wished to stay

Bound with all the weight of all the words he tried to say

As he faced the sun he cast no shadow


As they took his soul they stole his pride (priiiii-hide) <-- 4 times

As he faced the sun he cast no shadow

As he faced the sun he cast no shadow (Haaaaaaa-ah) <-- 2 times

As he faced the sun he cast no shadow

La canción Cast No Shadow esta incluida en el disco (What's the Story) Morning Glory? de Oasis. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Cast No Shadow esta en el disco (What's the Story) Morning Glory? de Oasis.
Si que conocer más de Oasis podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Oasis, o su discografía.
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